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Presenting our medicines app at the RCPCH conference

Work on our medicines app has continued over summer 2022, with engagement work taking place with parents, carers and health professionals to establish exactly what they need from the app.

July 4, 2022

In June 2022, the team working on our new medicines management app presented a progress update at a conference for children’s health professionals in Liverpool. A member of the Medicines for Children’s Programme Board, Dr Rachel Atherton, who is our Trainee Representative, presented research data from our work with families at the conference. She reflected on her experience of the conference session and her views on the plans for the app: 

“I recently attended the RCPCH Annual Conference 2022, which this year was held in Liverpool (my first time seeing it in the sun!) The theme was ‘Connect, Energise, Inspire’ – Celebrating Paediatrics and Child Health Together’, which felt very appropriate; it was great seeing lots of people passionate about child health finally together again after a three-year break.

I spoke in the session ‘Research and Quality Improvement at the RCPCH’, alongside Anna Rossiter, Medicines for Children Project Manager, and Lucy Bushby from Reason Digital – the organisation who are building our medicines management app. We were there to introduce the Medicines for Children medicines management app to delegates and to give a progress report on app development. Lucy included lots of great screenshots from the app – every time I see these, I get excited about what a great resource this will be for children, young people and their parents.

Presenting at RCPCH 2022 conference
The app team of Rachel, Anna and Lucy, presenting at RCPCH conference 2022

I was really pleased to see lots of enthusiastic healthcare professionals and parents in the audience. There was great feedback about how useful the app will be! There were plenty of questions, and many helpful suggestions about what could be included in further development of the app. It was a fabulous opportunity for us to make sure the app is really helping those who need it.”