
Our new medicines management app

We are now nearing the end of the development phase our new medicines management app. We are looking for child health professionals, and parents/carers who are interested in being the 'first adopters' of our mobile app.

June 11, 2024

We are pleased to announce that the latest phase of development on our new app – which is designed to help parents and carers to manage their children’s medicines – is now complete and the app is nearly ready for wider release.

The app has been in development for a number of years, going through numerous rounds of user testing and many months of design, with significant involvement from parents and carers in the process. Over the last few months the app has been through rigorous testing, first by healthcare professionals and then with parents/carers to make sure it is safe and fit for purpose.

At this point we would like to specifically thank the parents from WellChild who spent a significant amount of time over the last month trialling the app and putting all of the new features through their paces. The hours you spent doing this and the detailed feedback you have given us is hugely appreciated – THANK YOU!

We are now at the stage where the app is approaching wider release. If you would like to be one of the first people to use the new app on your mobile phone, please express your interest by entering your details on the following form: https://forms.office.com/e/18ArcwH5eS

The new app has the following features, which were specifically requested by parents and carers to make the management of their child’s medicines easier, and to aid better communication with secondary carers and health care professionals.

This short video (2 min 37 seconds) offers a speedy run through of how to set up the medicines management app.

It also gives an overview of the app’s key features which we hope that families will find most helpful.